At Bakhoor Store, we offer this beautiful bouquet, which we call “The Daily Fragrance Bouquet”, as it contains TACLOBAN perfume in addition to a tola of high-quality Indian Siofi incense in a box made of luxurious leather.
“Tacloban” perfume is our first perfume in Bakhoor Store, made from oils from the finest Swiss, European and American companies that provide their oils to the finest international perfumes and brands. It was manufactured according to the controls and requirements of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA), so that the percentage of each oil is specific and regulated so as not to affect the health of its users. We always care about the safety of our valued customers and provide our products with the best possible quality and price. It also contains an “antioxidant” that prevents the color or smell of the perfume from changing over time.
The perfume is suitable for all times, it tends to be a bit wintery, or more accurately “evening” because of the charming touch of oud oil, and if you are not a fan of oud oil, you will not imagine the presence of oud oil in its components, as the distinctive and precise mixture between oud oil and the rest of the “sweet” oils added dazzling beauty to the perfume and made it something you have never experienced before in the world of perfumes.
Using perfume with incense is very beautiful and nice, this interaction produces a charming flavour and high durability that suits those looking for distinction. Therefore, we chose the Indian Siofi incense with high durability and is one of the best-selling in Bakhoor Store.
The package contains:
Tola of Indian Sword Incense
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